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24 Disember 2014

Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew

by Ellen Notbohm from the book Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew, 2nd edition (2012, Future Horizons, Inc.)
Some days it seems the only predictable thing about it is the unpredictability. The only consistent attribute—the inconsistency. Autism can be baffling, even to those who spend their lives around it. The child who lives with autism may look “normal” but his behavior can be perplexing and downright difficult.
Autism was once labeled an “incurable disorder,” but that notion has crumbled in the face knowledge and understanding that increase even as you read this. Every day, individuals with autism show us that they can overcome, compensate for and otherwise manage many of autism’s most challenging characteristics. Equipping those around our children with simple understanding of autism’s basic elements has a tremendous impact on their ability to journey towards productive, independent adulthood.
Autism is a complex disorder but for purposes of this article, we can distill its myriad characteristics into four fundamental areas: sensory processing challenges, speech/language delays and impairments, the elusive social interaction skills and whole child/self-esteem issues. And though these four elements may be common to many children, keep front-of-mind the fact that autism is a spectrum disorder: no two (or ten or twenty) children with autism will be completely alike. Every child will be at a different point on the spectrum. And, just as importantly, every parent, teacher and caregiver will be at a different point on the spectrum. Child or adult, each will have a unique set of needs.
Here are ten things every child with autism wishes you knew:

1. I am a child.

My autism is part of who I am, not all of who I am. Are you just one thing, or are you a person with thoughts, feelings, preferences, ideas, talents, and dreams? Are you fat (overweight), myopic (wear glasses) or klutzy (uncoordinated)? Those may be things that I see first when I meet you, but you’re more than just that, aren’t you?
As an adult, you have control over how you define yourself. If you want to single out one characteristic, you can make that known. As a child, I am still unfolding. Neither you nor I yet know what I may be capable of. If you think of me as just one thing, you run the danger of setting up an expectation that may be too low. And if I get a sense that you don’t think I “can do it,” my natural response will be, why try?

2. My senses are out of sync.

This means that ordinary sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches that you may not even notice can be downright painful for me. My environment often feels hostile. I may appear withdrawn or belligerent or mean to you, but I’m just trying to defend myself. Here’s why a simple trip to the grocery store may be agonizing for me.
My hearing may be hyperacute. Dozens of people jabber at once. The loudspeaker booms today’s special. Music blares from the sound system. Registers beep and cough, a coffee grinder chugs. The meat cutter screeches, babies wail, carts creak, the fluorescent lighting hums. My brain can’t filter all the input and I’m in overload!
My sense of smell may be highly sensitive. The fish at the meat counter isn’t quite fresh, the guy standing next to us hasn’t showered today, the deli is handing out sausage samples, the baby in line ahead of us has a poopy diaper, they’re mopping up pickles on aisle three with ammonia. I feel like throwing up.
And there’s so much hitting my eyes! The fluorescent light is not only too bright, it flickers. The space seems to be moving; the pulsating light bounces off everything and distorts what I am seeing. There are too many items for me to be able to focus (my brain may compensate with tunnel vision), swirling fans on the ceiling, so many bodies in constant motion. All this affects how I feel just standing there, and now I can’t even tell where my body is in space.

3. Distinguish between won’t (I choose not to) and can’t (I am not able to).

It isn’t that I don’t listen to instructions. It’s that I can’t understand you. When you call to me from across the room, I hear “*&^%$#@, Jordan. #$%^*&^%$&*.” Instead, come over to me, get my attention, and speak in plain words: “Jordan, put your book in your desk. It’s time to go to lunch.” This tells me what you want me to do and what is going to happen next. Now it’s much easier for me to comply.

4. I’m a concrete thinker. I interpret language literally.

You confuse me by saying, “Hold your horses, cowboy!” when what you mean is, “Stop running.” Don’t tell me something is “a piece of cake” when there’s no dessert in sight and what you mean is, “This will be easy for you to do.” When you say, “It’s pouring cats and dogs,” I see pets coming out of a pitcher. Tell me, “It’s raining hard.”
Idioms, puns, nuances, inferences, metaphors, allusions, and sarcasm are lost on me.

5. Listen to all the ways I’m trying to communicate.

It’s hard for me to tell you what I need when I don’t have a way to describe my feelings. I may be hungry, frustrated, frightened, or confused but right now I can’t find those words. Be alert for body language, withdrawal, agitation or other signs that tell you something is wrong. They’re there.
Or, you may hear me compensate for not having all the words I need by sounding like a little professor or movie star, rattling off words or whole scripts well beyond my developmental age. I’ve memorized these messages from the world around me because I know I am expected to speak when spoken to. They may come from books, television, or the speech of other people. Grown-ups call it echolalia. I may not understand the context or the terminology I’m using. I just know that it gets me off the hook for coming up with a reply.

6. Picture this! I’m visually oriented.

Show me how to do something rather than just telling me. And be prepared to show me many times. Lots of patient practice helps me learn.
Visual supports help me move through my day. They relieve me of the stress of having to remember what comes next, make for smooth transition between activities, and help me manage my time and meet your expectations.
I need to see something to learn it, because spoken words are like steam to me; they evaporate in an instant, before I have a chance to make sense of them. I don’t have instant-processing skills. Instructions and information presented to me visually can stay in front of me for as long as I need, and will be just the same when I come back to them later. Without this, I live the constant frustration of knowing that I’m missing big blocks of information and expectations, and am helpless to do anything about it.

7. Focus and build on what I can do rather than what I can’t do.

Like any person, I can’t learn in an environment where I’m constantly made to feel that I’m not good enough and that I need fixing. I avoid trying anything new when I’m sure all I’ll get is criticism, no matter how “constructive” you think you’re being. Look for my strengths and you will find them. There is more than one right way to do most things.

8. Help me with social interactions.

It may look like I don’t want to play with the other kids on the playground, but it may be that I simply do not know how to start a conversation or join their play. Teach me how to play with others. Encourage other children to invite me to play along. I might be delighted to be included.
I do best in structured play activities that have a clear beginning and end. I don’t know how to read facial expressions, body language, or the emotions of others. Coach me. If I laugh when Emily falls off the slide, it’s not that I think it’s funny. It’s that I don’t know what to say. Talk to me about Emily’s feelings and teach me to ask, “Are you okay?”

9. Identify what triggers my meltdowns.

Meltdowns and blow-ups are more horrid for me than they are for you. They occur because one or more of my senses has gone into overload, or because I’ve been pushed past the limit of my social abilities. If you can figure out why my meltdowns occur, they can be prevented. Keep a log noting times, settings, people, and activities. A pattern may emerge.
Remember that everything I do is a form of communication. It tells you, when my words cannot, how I’m reacting to what is happening around me. My behavior may have a physical cause. Food allergies and sensitivities sleep problems and gastrointestinal problems can all affect my behavior. Look for signs, because I may not be able to tell you about these things.

10. Love me unconditionally.

Throw away thoughts like, “If you would just—” and “Why can’t you—?” You didn’t fulfill every expectation your parents had for you and you wouldn’t like being constantly reminded of it. I didn’t choose to have autism. Remember that it’s happening to me, not you. Without your support, my chances of growing up to be successful and independent are slim. With your support and guidance, the possibilities are broader than you might think.
Three words we both need to live by: Patience. Patience. Patience.
View my autism as a different ability rather than a disability. Look past what you may see as limitations and see my strengths. I may not be good at eye contact or conversation, but have you noticed that I don’t lie, cheat at games, or pass judgment on other people?
I rely on you. All that I might become won’t happen without you as my foundation. Be my advocate, be my guide, love me for who I am, and we’ll see how far I can go.
© 2012 Ellen Notbohm
Contact the author for permission to reproduce in any way, including posting on the Internet.
Award-winning author and mother of sons with ADHD and autism, Ellen Notbohm’s books and articles have informed and delighted millions in more than nineteen languages. Her work has won a Silver Medal in the Independent Publishers Book Awards, a ForeWord Book of Year Honorable Mention and two finalist designations, a Mom’s Choice Gold Award, Learning magazine's Teacher's Choice Award, two iParenting Media awards, and an Eric Hoffer Book Award finalist designation. She is a contributor to numerous publications, classrooms, conferences and websites worldwide. 

19 Disember 2014


Assalamualaikum ibu ayah istimewa yang menjadi pilihan Allah. Hari ini saya kongsikan karya yang saya baca. Mungkin ada dikalangan guru-guru yang boleh mendapat sedikit panduan melalui penulisan ini....

Suzi bingung dengan sikap anak keduanya, Ismail yang menunjukkan tingkah laku yang aneh. Dia kerap kali marah-marah dan suka menjerit dengan suara yang kuat. Malah pada usia tiga tahun setengah dia masih tidak memahami apa yang dikatakan dan tidak mengendahkan apabila dipanggil. Padahal dia dilahirkan normal cuma apabila dia mula membesar, dia tidak suka dibelai dan dimanjakan. Apa masalah sebenar si kecil ini? Ikuti pandangan Dr.Mastura Badzis, Pensyarah di Institut Pendidikan, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa.

Apakah Autisme?
Adakah anak anda mempunyai simptom yang sama dengan anak Suzi? Jika ya, anak anda mungkin berisiko menghadapi masalah autisme. Mungkin ramai ibu bapa yang kurang arif tentang masalah ini.
“Autisme ialah gangguan psikitrik atau gangguan perkembangan yang mengakibatkan masalah dalam komunikasi sama ada perkembangan bahasa yang lambat atau tidak berkembang. Keadaan ini berkisar mengenai masalah mengaitkan perkataan dengan penuh makna, interaksi sosial dan kesukaran untuk memahami persekitaran. Pengesanan awal mampu menyelamatkan keadaan dan kanak-kanak ini boleh dilatih sekurang-kurangnya untuk menguruskan diri sendiri,” kata Dr Mastura Badzis.
Biasanya, petanda kesihatan anak yang menunjukkan simptom gangguan sama ada secara mental dan fizikal tidak disedari. Misalnya masalah autisme yang boleh dikesan pada peringkat umur 12 bulan hingga tiga tahun namun disebabkan kurang peka, masalah ini gagal dikesan pada peringkat awal dan menyebabkan anak terus terperangkap dengan dunianya dan sukar untuk menjalani kehidupan apabila membesar kelak.
Menurut Dr Mastura, terdapat beberapa kategori autisme iaitu autisme Autistic disorder atau “Klasik” Autisme”, “Sindrom Asperger” atau turut dikenali sebagai “Atypical Autisme” dan Pervasive Developmental Disorder.
Peka Akan Simptomnya
Kanak-kanak yang mengalami autisme mempunyai rupa bentuk fizikal yang sama seperti kanak-kanak normal lain. Hal ini menyukarkan masalah ini sukar dikenal pasti kecuali ibu bapa peka akannya simptom-simptom yang ditunjukkan secara konsisten oleh mereka.
Antara simptom-simptom autisme ialah:
  • Tidak menunjukkan eye contact
  • Tidak bertindak balas terhadap senyuman
  • Tantrum yang keterlaluan tanpa sebab sehingga mencederakan diri seperti menghantukkan kepada ke dinding.
  • Tidak menunjukkan minat untuk berkawan dan bermain dengan kanak-kanak lain, malah selesa bermain sendirian.
  • Sering menyebut sesuatu perkataan secara berulang-ulang atau mengeluarkan suara ‘robotik’ atau disebut sebagai echolalia. Mereka juga sering mengulang-ulang apa yang diperkatakan dan kerap melentikkan badan apabila dipeluk.
  • Terlalu sensitif, mempunyai minat yang pelik kepada sesuatu seperti cahaya, bunyi atau pergerakan.
  • Gemar mengibarkan tangan dan memusing-musingkan badan setempat. Malah pada kanak-kanak 18 bulan ke atas, mereka cenderung untuk menggunakan isyarat berbanding perkataan.
  • Sukar untuk mengubah rutin yang mana jika diubah akan mengakibatkan tantrum.
  • Mereka juga sering kali menunjukkan obsesi kepada sesuatu perkara seperti permainan tertentu sahaja.
Apabila ditanya apakah penyakit ini boleh diwarisi secara genetik atau keturunan, Dr Mastura berkata “Penyakit ini diwarisi secara keturunan atau genetik tanpa sebab yang diketahui. Hal ini kerana autisme disebabkan oleh keganjilan pada faktor biologi dan neurologi pada otak mereka. Keadaan tidak normal ini juga boleh disebabkan olah pendedahan kepada persekitaran yang tercemar atau berat semasa lahir yang rendah atau kelahiran pramatang”.

Anakku autisme, apa perlu dilakukan?
“Ibu bapa hanya boleh mengesan tanda-tanda awal melalui senarai semak perkembangan normal kanak-kanak tetapi tidak boleh sewenang-wenangnya mengatakan si manja autistik. Jangan lekas melabelkan si manja mengalami autisme dengan hanya kerana dia menunjukkan beberapa signal autistik. Bawalah si manja mendapatkan pemeriksaan dengan pakar pendengaran untuk memeriksa pendengarannya kerana khuatir mereka pekak. Setelah dikenal pasti tidak pekak, maka bawalah pula berjumpa pakar psikologi klinikal atau pakar psikiatri untuk membuat ujian dan pemantauan sama ada si manja benar-benar menghidap autisme sebelum diberikan rawatan sewajarnya,” ujar Dr Mastura.
Rawatan terapi untuk kanak-kanak autisme hanya boleh dijalankan oleh pakar sahaja. Antara rawatan tersebut ialah Applied Behaviour Analysis yang dilakukan secara bermain atau play theraphy.

Mendekati kanak-kanak Autistik
Kanak-kanak autistik memerlukan penjagaan secara perseorangan atau one-to-one care. Hal ini perlu dilakukan dengan berterusan dan memerlukan tahap kesabaran yang tinggi kerana mereka tidak menghiraukan kewujudan orang lain. Elakkan merenung atau menyentuh si kecil autistik kerana kelakuan ini akan menyebabkan mereka stres. bagi mengasuh dan membimbing, banyakkan menggunakan alat bantuan seperti gambar supaya mereka mudah menterjemahkan. Anda juga boleh memberikan kemahiran sosial melalui teknik berkumpulan, bercerita dan sebagainya.
Gejala autisme boleh diredakan dengan menyediakan persekitaran yang selamat, struktur jadual rutin yang tetap dan suasana yang tenang. Mereka juga perlu diberi peluang untuk merasa apa juga yang ada di persekitaran mereka bertujuan untuk merangsang. Penyakit yang dikenal pasti tidak mempunyai penawar ini akan berkekalan sehingga dewasa. Oleh sebab itu, kepekaan ibu bapa dan pengesanan awal amat diperlukan. Anak-anak autisme boleh diberikan latihan menguruskan diri sendiri adalah langkah yang boleh diambil sebagai persediaan menempuh kedewasaan.
Ibu bapa yang memiliki anak autisme bolehlah mendaftarkan anak ke persatuan atau group support untuk mendapatkan sokongan, bertukar pendapat dan mengatasi ketegangan yang dialami. Menghantar anak ke kelas yang menawarkan pendidikan khas untuk pesakit autisme boleh membantu mereka mengatasi masalah komunikasi dan sosial serta mengurangkan tingkah laku yang tidak sesuai agar mereka mampu menguasai kemahiran untuk hidup apabila dewasa kelak.

Seramai 10 peratus penghidap autisme dikenal pasti memiliki idiot savant di mana mereka mempunyai kemahiran istimewa di dalam bidang matematik atau komputer, berupaya mengingati fakta, kebolehan dalam bidang muzik dan kesenian. 
(Sumber: Majalah Pa&Ma Januari 2013)

Segala yang baik adalah pemberian Allah, segala yang buruk saya mohon ampun

Just what is a gifted child

Labels are unimportant until you realize that people still use them and sometimes not in the same way

ASKING "WHAT IS a gifted child?" is a good question to start with.
The label "gifted" is considered by many to be unfortunate, with its connotations of good fortune and superiority, and more significantly its implied labelling of others as "ungifted". But it has nonetheless been commonly used in academic literature and in general conversation - in the latter field it has of course been abused as well.
A definition constructed by the NSW Parents and Citizens Association and accepted by their 2000 Annual Conference expresses it this way:
"Gifted/talented children are those children who possess an untrained and spontaneously expressed natural ability in at least one ability domain significantly beyond that typically seen in children of the same age. Giftedness comes in many forms and levels. It is found in students of all socio-economic groups, and of diverse personalities and backgrounds. It can be combined with other exceptionalities/special needs such as learning disabilities, socio-economic disadvantage, geographic isolation, Aboriginality and having English as a second language."
Note the emphasis on potential rather than achievement as the defining characteristic. There may be many constraints that prevent the potential from being realized, such as those mentioned in the last sentence above. Of course, the emphasis on potential or natural ability, raises the question of how this can be detected or measured.
The United States Office of Education definition (Marland 1982) suggests gifted and talented students are those "who have outstanding abilities, are capable of high performance and who require differentiated educational programs (beyond those normally provided by regular school programs) in order to realise their contribution to self and society".
The last element, that of the need of this group of children for differentiated educational response, is of course the prime reason why gifted children need the label - it is not a label to be worn proudly as if earnt, but rather an indication of special need, even if this special need is different from those who are more often associated with the "special needs" label.
The same source suggests demonstrated achievement or potential ability can be in:
  • general intellectual ability
  • specific academic aptitude
  • creative or productive thinking
  • leadership ability
  • visual and performing arts
  • psychomotor abilities
This idea of different types of gifts has been developed by Howard Gardner in his theory of multiple intelligences. The key point is to realise that gifts and gifted children don't all come in the same box, their gifts and talents may be across many fields or particular to one. And gifted children can have learning difficulties or disabilities too. A child may have an extraordinary talent in reading and comprehension but need remediation in mathematics. Indeed some of the more difficult (perhaps tragic) cases of a child unable to find an educational fit occur when he or she is gifted and suffers specific learning difficulties at the same time. These Gifted Learning Disabled (GLD) children often have neither of their needs met - their erratic performance is neither superior enough or depressed enough to gain them access to special provisions that might alleviate their frustrations and often low self-esteem.
Gifted and talented students can show the same diversity of personalities and learning styles as other groups of students. They too, for example, can be inhibited and slow to respond. Some may be exceptionally or profoundly gifted in one or more areas. Consequently the "gifted" label covers a wide range of student abilities and needs and any one standard "gifted program" may well not meet a particular gifted child's needs - ideally an appropriately tailored program should start with an appraisal of the needs of that child.
A range of 2-5% is often used to demarcate the gifted within a particular domain, but whatever cut-off is used is artificial. Even if measurement were perfect (which it is not) there is far more difference between a child at the top 0.1% and top 1% levels than between those that are just included or just excluded.
Whereever possible sharp demarcation lines should be avoided. Instead the use of clearly described programs (including what is expected and the work standards involved) and self-nomination should be preferred. This allows for the huge range of aspects (many poorly measurable) that can make up giftedness in a particular area, and also avoids many of the conflicts that surround gifted programs.
Taking the many areas in which gifts and talents might lie into account, possibly some 15-20% of the overall population are "gifted" in one or more areas. Gifted children are not rare. This group still includes a wide range of abilities. Highly gifted children are rarer, and exceptionally and profoundly gifted children much more so. Moreover their needs can be sharply different, and only poorly met by programs aimed at the general "gifted" child.
Gifted children are not always easy to identify. Potential does not always show in achievements. There can be many impediments that block or misdirect the development of the ability. Gagne (1995) has developed this understanding of the role of the child's motivation and of factors in the child's environment (family, school, peers, etc) that may hinder the child's ability being realized into achievements. Not all gifted children are achievers. Many hide their potential in order to try to fit in with their class. No wonder then, that even teachers are not typically good at identifying gifted children, although research suggests that, with training in gifted and talented education, teachers can significantly improve their record at identification (Gear 1978, Pegnato & Birch 1959).
It is not simply a matter of IQ testing though this can identify unidentifed giftedness of certain types. Rather use of multiple identification criteria from a variety of sources is generally most effective, with inclusion of a child in the event of doubt. A school, looking particularly for academic giftedness, might use all of the following:
  • teacher nominations (these are far more accurate with pre- and inservice training in gifted education),
  • behavioural checklists (there are many lists of characteristics that students gifted in one or more areas may exhibit),
  • parent nominations (via parent questionnaire as to the child's characteristics, interests and home achievements at time of enrolment, and an openness throughout the student's time at the school for the parent to raise concerns and highlight any discrepancies between home and school performance),
  • peer nominations (with questions such as "who would you turn to with such and such a problem?"),
  • self nominations (made easier when specific programs are advertised and open to the whole school - well-hidden talents can be discovered this way),
  • standardised tests, and
  • IQ tests (including tests which are designed to minimise culture or language bias, eg Ravens).
Identification by parents is often accurate, despite the myth that parents always think their children are bright. Parents are in the best position to know the child and its inner strivings, and their major difficulties are often not having a ready comparison (particularly in the case of only or eldest children), and of overcoming, when appropriate, the desire not to appear to be "pushy". Behavioural checklists often assist with the first difficulty, and a consideration of the alternatives, particularly with problems at school, generally encourages some sort of advocacy role.
© David Farmer 19 February 1997 - This piece has been adapted from text I wrote for an educational video/booklet package Meeting the Needs of Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom


Rujukan Wikipedia
Autisme merupakan kecacatan perkembangan tegal (Bahasa Inggerispervasive developmental disorder) yang melibatkan fungsi otak. Autisme dianggap sebagai sejenis kecacatan neurologi dan bukan kecacatan psikiatris (Bahasa Inggerispsychiatric disorder) mudah, walaupun ciri-ciri biasa termasuk masalah dengan perhubungan sosial, dan komunikasi emosi, dan juga pola biasa berkaitan dengan minat, aktiviti dan perangai. Autisme juga melibatkan masalah dengan integrasi deria. Biasanya, autisme kelihatan pada usia awal tiga tahun. Dianggarkan bahawa autisme membabitkan dalam 2 hingga 6 kes setiap 1,000 orang, dan autisme 4 kali lebih kerap dalam kanak-kanak lelaki berbanding perempuan (dari "Autism Society of America": ). Autisme lebih kerap dikalangan lelaki berkulit putih.
Pada masa kini, autisme boleh dirawat tetapi tidak dapat dipulihkan. (Walaupun terdapat organisasi bergelar Sembuhkan Autisme Sekarang "Cure Autism Now"). Diagnosis dan latihan awal amat penting bagi perkembangan masa hadapan kanak-kanak.
Sindrom Asperger dipercayai sebagai bentuk autisme fungsi tinggi, tetapi ini bukanlah sentiasa benar. Perbezaan utama antara sindrome Kanner, dengan autisme klassik, dan sindrome Asperger adalah Asperger tidak mempunyai kelewatan jelas dalam pertuturan, dan kecergasan adalah biasa atau lebih. Dalam autisme Kanner terdapat kelewatan jelas dalam pertuturan dan biasanya mempunyai kecergasan rendah dari kebiasaan . Autisme Kanner dengan IQ<80 dirujuk sebagai "fungsi rendah autisme", sementara sindrome Kanner dengan IQ>80 dikenali sebagai "autisme fungsi tinggi".
Pandangan lain mengenai kecacatan ini adalah autisum adalah berterusan on a continuum, dengan itu boleh juga dikenali sebagaimasalah spektrum autistik autistic spectrum disorder. Masalah berterusan ( continuum ) lain yang berkait adalah Kegagalan Integrasi Deria ( Sensory Integration Dysfunction ) yang berkaitan dengan bagaimana cara kita menyelaras maklumat yang kita terima daripada deria kita. Autism, Sindrom Asperger, dan Kegagalan Integrasi Deria adalah berkait rapat dan saling bertindan.
Sesetengah individu yang berjaya dipercayai mengalami autism pada peringkat tertentu. Bagaimanapun, autism lebih kerap di dapati pada individual yang mempunyai permasalahan pembelajaran (learning disabilities).
Terdapat dua jenis autism utama, autism regresif dan autism awal bayi ( early infantile autism ). Autism awal bayi hadir semasa kelahiran sementara autism regresif bermula ketika berusia 18 bulan.
Terdapat lonjakan dalam kes yang dilapurkan sedunia tentang kes autism pada 10 tahun terakhir. Terdapat banyak spekulasi mengenai mengapa ini berlaku, tanpa sebarang bukti khusus yang menyokong theori tertentu. Bagaimanapun, kajian telah menolak spekulasi bahawa peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh peningkatan dalam kaedah diognistik.
Pada abad terakhir, populasi di Amerika Syarikat meningkat 13%. Terdapat peningkatan dalam kecacatan tidak berkait dengan autism sekitar 16%. Peningkatan kadar autism pula adalah 173%.
Beberapa perkara perlu disebutkan di sini adalah:
·         fenomena idiot savant kadang-kala dilihat pada mereka yang mempunyai autism
·         autism, asperger semakin kerap dianggap sebagai keupayaan masyarakat yang berterusan ( continuum of social capability ).
·         penyelidikan terkini (kontrovesi) di UK mencadangkan kemungkinannya terdapat kaitan antara autism dan vaksin MMR
·         analisa autism sebagai kebutaan minda ( mind blindness" ) -- ketidak mampuan mencipta model fikiran orang lain. Contoh biasa adalah "di mana X mencari objek yang mereka simpan, tetapi dialih oleh Y" -- lihat teori minda
·         terdapat dakwaan terkini bahawa autism kemungkinannya didorong oleh keracunan logam berat/logam raksa (tiada sokongan dalam penulisan perubatan utama.?)
·         peningkatan dakwaan rawatan berjaya pada kanak-kanak dengan rwatan chelation permakanan bebas kafin, bebas gluten & raksa.
·         RDI merupakan program rawatan mensasar kecacatan teras sosial/hubungan pesakit autism
Kedua-dau Oliver Sacks dan Torey Hayden telah menulis mengenai pesakit atau pelajar autistik. Temple Grandin turut menulis mengenai hidupnya. Donna Williams (Autism:an inside-out approach, ISBN 1-85302-387-6) gives an interesting perspective on the experience of the person with autism.
Di Malaysia, kanak-kanak warganegara Malaysia yang telah disahkan autisme boleh mendaftar sebagai orang kurang upaya (OKU). Mereka mempunyai kad OKU daripadaJabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Malaysia (JKM) dan pelajar memperoleh bantuan kewangan daripada Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri (JPN) kerana mengikuti kelas pemulihan di bawah seliaannya

18 Disember 2014

20 Signs Your Child May Be Gifted

"Is my child gifted?" Parents often wonder at one point or another whether their child is gifted. Here we've rounded up some basics to help you identify signs of giftedness in your child.

What Does "Gifted" Mean?

The term "giftedness" is used by different schools, organizations, and cultures in different ways, with some using the term strictly to indicate people with well-above average intelligence as measured by IQ scores, and others embracing a broader range of criteria. The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) offers the following definition:
"Gifted individuals are those who demonstrate outstanding levels of aptitude (defined as an exceptional ability to reason and learn) or competence (documented performance or achievement in top 10 percent or rarer) in one or more domains. Domains include any structured area of activity with its own symbol system (e.g., mathematics, music, language) and/or set of sensorimotor skills (e.g., painting, dance, sports)."

20 Signs of Giftedness 

While IQ tests and other assessments can help identify giftedness in school-age children, kids are also commonly identified as gifted by the observations of families, teachers, and friends. Below are some of the characteristic traits of children gifted in terms of general intellectual ability, adapted from a detailed checklist from Austega. Note: no one gifted child exhibits all the traits.
  1. Learns rapidly, easily, and efficiently
  2. Has exceptionally large vocabulary for their age
  3. Demonstrates unusual reasoning power
  4. Has an unusually strong memory, but is bored with memorization and recitation
  5. Needs little outside control — applies self discipline
  6. Has a liking for structure, order, and consistency
  7. Is flexible in thinking patterns; makes unusual associations between remote ideas
  8. Displays a great curiosity about objects, situations, or events; asks provocative questions
  9. Makes good grades in most subjects
  10. Has a power of concentration, an intense attention that excludes all else
  11. Provides very alert, rapid answers to questions
  12. Is resourceful, solving problems by ingenious methods
  13. Has avid interest in science or literature
  14. Reveals originality in oral and written expression
  15. Has a power of abstraction, conceptualization and synthesis
  16. Is secure emotionally
  17. Tends to dominate peers or situations
  18. Uses a lot of commonsense
  19. Displays a willingness to accept complexity
  20. Is perceptually open to his or her environment
Austega also provides lists of giftedness characteristics in other categories such as specific academic aptitude, creative thinking and production, leadership, psychomotor ability, and visual and performing arts.

Busana Muslimah vs Tabarruj

Oleh Dr Abu Anas Madani
Busana Muslim vs Tabarruj
Busana Muslimah sudah menjadi trend hari ini. Jubah dengan pelbagai fesyen dan fabrik, tudung dengan pelbagai corak, potongan dan cara pemakaiannya. Persoalannya ialah benarkah busana tersebut telah benar-benar menepati cara berpakaian menurut syariat Islam ? Adakah ia benar-benar Busana Muslimat dengan ertikata yang sebenar ?
Konsep yang mudah tentang menutup aurat sama ada lelaki atau perempuan ialah longgar, tidak fit, tidak nipis atau jarang dan tidak berlebih-lebihan..... Yang ramai lakukan, adakah menutup aurat atau sekadar membalut, membungkus atau packing aurat? Ini adalah kerana, tabarruj tetap boleh terjadi walaupun wanita itu menutup aurat.
Contohnya hari ini kita dapat lihat di khalayak ramai wanita yang bertudung tetapi berpakaian menampakkan bentuk tubuh atau sanggul, berfesyen hingga menjadi perhatian, memakai wangi-wangian atau solekan yang berlebihan. Ini semua dikira sebagai tabarruj.
Ibnu Manzur berkata, "Tabarruj ialah apabila seorang wanita mendedahkan kecantikan dan keelokannya kepada lelaki (yang bukan suaminya)". Firman Allah SWT dalam sebahagian Surah An-Nur :
وَقُل لِّلْمُؤْمِنَاتِ يَغْضُضْنَ مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِنَّ وَيَحْفَظْنَ فُرُوجَهُنَّ وَلَا يُبْدِينَ زِينَتَهُنَّ إِلَّا مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَلْيَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِهِنَّ عَلَىٰ جُيُوبِهِنَّ...َ
"Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka; dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya; dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka..." (QS, An-Nur : 31)
Abul A’la al Maududi berkata : “Kalimat tabarruj yang dipergunakan di dalam Al-Quran yang ditujukan kepada kaum wanita, mengandungi pengertian :
1- Wanita yang menunjukkan kecantikan wajahnya, daya tarik tubuhnya kepada lelaki asing (bukan mahramnya)
2- Wanita yang mendedahkan kecantikan pakaian dan perhiasannya kepada lelaki asing. (rantai leher, kaki dll)
3- Wanita yang mempromosikan dirinya, kemanjaannya, gerak-gerinya dan keharumannya.

“Dan hendaklah kamu tetap di rumah kamu, dan janganlah kamu berhias dan bertingkah laku seperti orang jahiliah.” (QS, Al-Ahzab : 33)
Sifat-sifat tabarruj di zaman jahiliyyah itu adalah seperti berikut:
a - Seorang wanita yang keluar dari rumah dan berjalan di antara lelaki.
b- Wanita yang berjalan berlenggak-lenggok dan penuh gaya, genit dan gedik (3G)
c- Wanita yang memakai wangian yang menggoda.
d- Wanita yang mengenakan pakaian yang dihiasi batu permata.
e- Wanita yang mengenakan kerudung namun anting-anting dan kalungnya tetap diperlihatkan.
f- Wanita yang berkerudung tetapi bersanggul tinggi seperti bonggol unta.
Tabarruj juga boleh berlaku kepada orang lelaki, walaupun aurat mereka lebih ringan, tetapi masih ada yang menampakkan aurat. Contoh memakai baju dan seluar ketat sehingga kelihatan bentuk badan yang sasa atau bentuk punggung. Sengaja mencukur janggut, bersolek atau berdandan seperti wanita, atau berhias berlebih-lebihan kerana mahu kelihatan menonjol dan dikagumi.
Berpakaian dan peliharalah penampilan agar nampak bersih dan kemas secara sederhana. Banyak wang yang dibazirkan untuk tujuan kosmetik dan fesyen, seperti tidak yakin dengan kecantikan diri yang telah diberi oleh Allah SWT.
Islam tidak menentang kecantikan selagi mana ia tidak melampaui batas. Kepada suami atau isteri, silakan berhias secantiknya kepada pasangan masing-masing . Apabila terdedah kepada bukan mahram, tutupi keinginan tersebut. Cukuplah untuk berpakaian sopan menutup aurat, kemas dan bersih sekadarnya sahaja. Sebab kita nak cari redha Allah dan bukan redha manusia sahaja.



Saya dah ajar beratus kali, tapi anak puan macam tu juga, langsung tak faham. Kerja tak siap, salin tak habis. Saya ajar anak-anak cikgu lain tak ada masalah pun......inilah kata-kata seorang guru tahun satu kepada saya 13 tahun lalu. Hati ibu mana tak luluh bila suatu hari terdengar berbualan anak syurga ini dengan adiknya... “cikgu kata kat abang, kamu ni anak cikgu pun bodoh, abang benci cikgu tu”sedikit pun anak syurga ini tidak pernah mengadu kepada saya. Sebenarnya cikgu itu tidak sedar Allah memilihnya untuk mengajar anak syurga untuk diberi pahala yang amat besar. Alhamdulillah anak saya tidak sebodoh yang diucapkan oleh guru tersebut.
Ibu-ibu, ayah-ayah dan cikgu-cikgu....
Anak-anak istimewa sering dikaitkan dengan ketidakupayaan pembelajaran. Sebenarnya ketidakupayaan pembelajaran bukanlah bermaksud bodoh, lembab, malas atau tahap kecerdasan yang rendah. Ketidakupayaan pembelajaran bermaksud masalah khusus di dalam otak kanak-kanak yang menjejaskan cara seseorang itu memproses dan bertindakbalas terhadap sesuatu maklumat. Terdapat beberapa bentuk ketidakupayaan pembelajaran iaitu:
Ini adalah ketidakupayaan pembelajaran yang menjadikan kanak-kanak itu sukar membaca, menulis dan mengeja dengan cara biasa.

v  ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder)
Ini pula satu gangguan yang menjejaskan keupayaan otak untuk menumpukan atau memfokus kepada sesuatu benda. Misalnya seseorang kanak-kanak itu mungkin normal, cerdas, dan bijak tetapi da tidak dapat menumpukan perhatiannya dan mengawal tingkah lakunya sendiri.

Merupakan satu ketidakupayaan pembelajaran yang melibatkan masalah dengan gerakan angota tubuh.

Kanak-kanak mengalami masalah dalam pengiraan dan hitungan. Walau berkali-kali diajar dengan yang paling mudah, namun tetap sukar memahami

Merujuk kepada ketidakupayaan kanak-kanak mengalami dunua persekitarannya, sebagaimana yang dialami ileh rakan-rakannya yang normal. Mereka sukar bercakap dan berbual-bual, sebaliknya mendiamkan diri serta memerlukan bantuan untuk berkomunikasi. Mereka juga bertindak balas dengan cara yag berbeza. Bunyi yang indah mungkin membingitkan mereka. Sentuhan dan belaian yang manjamungkin menjadi sesuatu yang tidak disenangi. Mereka juga tidak dapat mengaikan sesuatu perkataan dengan maksudnya. Jadi mereka mungkin menulang-ulang perkataan-perkataan tertentu, panas baran dan bertindak balas secara luar biasa

Anak-anak Syurga ini memerlukan rawatan, bimbingan, bantuan dan perhatian khusus daripada orang di sekeliling mereka. Bantulah sedaya upaya kita terutama ibu bapa dan guru. Mereka ini mempunyai keistimewaan dan kelebihan tersendiri anugerah Allah. 

Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya, ia mendapat pahala kebajikan yang diusahakannya dan ia juga menanggung dosa kejahatan yang dilakukannya…     
( Al-Baqarah: 286)

"......Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan (kekuatan) yg diberikan Allah kepadanya..."
(at-Thalaq : ayat 7)